Monday 12 April 2010

Amalric III

  • Project 7: Please see Amalric III, [AIII] (Appendix III). One of the applications for AIIIs is to provide alternatives to: a) intercontinental, non-Zero-CO2 airplanes (which, according to Boeing, are never likely to be non-FF), for millions of people, as b) troop transports, c) cruise ships, d) aircraft carriers and most shipping-container-freight-carrying ships -- which require over-six-foot-deep: navigating channels, rivers, canals, routes and harbors for shipping docks):
    1. in combination with large, up-to-2k, up-to-500-strong-Gavin-Hawk-flocks and
    2. large convoys of up-to-600 AIIIs, stationed in mid-oceans to manufacture hydrogen and refuel up-to-2k flocks of up-to-1m Gavin Hawks carrying up-to-10m passengers
    3. and to house up-to-600 Mini-PATCOs to guide and protect them, their convoys and in-transit, trans-oceanic trips of Gavin Hawk flocks
    4. Once enough of the planned 3.2m up-to-10-passenger Gavin Super Hawks, are available, ie up-to-7%, could be instantly available for transport of troops to occupy attacker's bases (eg Afghanistan): In combination with up-to-six, up-to-100 AIIIs in convoys for daily refueling of 224k GSH and as bases for PATCOs: Then, support for overnight mobility of up-to-2.24m troops would make attacker's defenses from counterattack, impossible. The ancient principle of freedom of the sea makes possible the precise, effective positioning of AIII convoys a matter of one or three weeks, in most circumstances. (Eg: Occupation of Japan by 2.24m troops, before Christmas, could have followed the surprise attack of Pearl Harbor on the 7th of December 1941, without the necessity to invent nuclear, or even atomic, weapons.)

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