Monday 12 April 2010


Project 10: is connected with:
  1. Project 9 (concerned with production and delivery of food, according to Science of Food),
  2. Project 1 (concerned with Utopian cities)
  3. Project 6 (concerned with GaviHas, ie Alpha, Beta or Gamma style motor homes associated with Utopia or Mini-Utopia-Villages and Farms of the Future, where: "Rebecca Hosking ... explores ways of farming without using fossil fuel [FF]. With the help of pioneering farmers and growers, Rebecca learns that it is actually nature that holds the key to farming in a [low-labor,] low-energy future."
  • The basic idea of Project 10 was inspired by Rebecca Hosking, about how four-acre farms could be arranged where people could grow food and live and support themselves: But, avoid using fossil fuel [FF].

    RDL considers this idea, for specification of farms resided on, and/
    or managed, by Ideal Customers, located within Utopia, or on nearby land. The basic principles are set forth in Permaculture. RDL has especially studied the improvements which can be added to Permaculture by utilizing symbiosis and mutualism.

Society of Food

  • Project 9: (Very reliminary Plan): The Society of Food is applied most strictly to Utopian Homes, Mini-Utopia-Villages and GaviHas: But, the handling of food in any house, hotel or restaurant can follow the same rules. If an RDL Delivery Bay is included in the home, and food is delivered from a supplier working with this SoF Project. In general, any supplier or deliverer of food will be supplied with the same procedures, equipment and training, designed to eliminate CO2 pollution all along the way, from gathering ingredients, processing and delivery anywhere in the World. And, maximizing the production of tasty, healthy and easily served food, also according to local tastes and availability of ingredients.

GiaBat & SuperGiaBat

Project 8: (Preliminary Plan.)This new Real Div [RDL], Project 8, is planned for development of the GiaBat [GB], around six-inch wingspan, similar to the COMBAT, and the, six-foot wingspan, SuperGiaBats [SGB]. Both may be designed to use a rotor rather than wings. Several million GBs are planned and 100s of thousands of SGB for home, factory, shop, military and police use. The SGBs, licensed to military and police use, are equipped with (relatively) small weapons designed to make a choice to disable or kill identified (and armed) terrorists and organized and petty criminals who refuse to disarm, surrender or be taken into custody. They may also launch attacks to destroy enemy activities, including offensive facilities such as a) buildings, b) fortifications, c) vehicles, d) ships and submarines, e) boats, f) aircraft, g) weapons (spears, axes, hatchets, clubs, coshes, hammers, bows and arrows, knives, hand-guns, grenades, tanks, cannon, car bombs, bazookas and roadside or land and under water mines) and h) missiles and bases connected (with production, launching, disbursing, firing or defending) therewith. SGBs work in teams with GB equipped to identify (faces of) people and offensive facilities, and to control and direct SGB. Both types can controlled from (home, factory, shop, military and police) bases and/or carried by GaviHas, Gavin Hawks [GH] (or by Mother Hawks) for defense of Amalric IIIs, and flocks of GH, on trips, or carrying troops on military missions).

Amalric III

  • Project 7: Please see Amalric III, [AIII] (Appendix III). One of the applications for AIIIs is to provide alternatives to: a) intercontinental, non-Zero-CO2 airplanes (which, according to Boeing, are never likely to be non-FF), for millions of people, as b) troop transports, c) cruise ships, d) aircraft carriers and most shipping-container-freight-carrying ships -- which require over-six-foot-deep: navigating channels, rivers, canals, routes and harbors for shipping docks):
    1. in combination with large, up-to-2k, up-to-500-strong-Gavin-Hawk-flocks and
    2. large convoys of up-to-600 AIIIs, stationed in mid-oceans to manufacture hydrogen and refuel up-to-2k flocks of up-to-1m Gavin Hawks carrying up-to-10m passengers
    3. and to house up-to-600 Mini-PATCOs to guide and protect them, their convoys and in-transit, trans-oceanic trips of Gavin Hawk flocks
    4. Once enough of the planned 3.2m up-to-10-passenger Gavin Super Hawks, are available, ie up-to-7%, could be instantly available for transport of troops to occupy attacker's bases (eg Afghanistan): In combination with up-to-six, up-to-100 AIIIs in convoys for daily refueling of 224k GSH and as bases for PATCOs: Then, support for overnight mobility of up-to-2.24m troops would make attacker's defenses from counterattack, impossible. The ancient principle of freedom of the sea makes possible the precise, effective positioning of AIII convoys a matter of one or three weeks, in most circumstances. (Eg: Occupation of Japan by 2.24m troops, before Christmas, could have followed the surprise attack of Pearl Harbor on the 7th of December 1941, without the necessity to invent nuclear, or even atomic, weapons.)


  • Project 6: Design and build one GaviHas (Alpha, Beta and Gamma style motor home, or public transportation vehicle [PTv])/one% of total population (by end of any given year) by Ideal Customers' families in Utopia, ie up-to-1.8k/Utopium. (Eg For one Utopium, 50k residents, plus six-to-10 Mini-Utopia-Villages with 2,500 thousand [k] residents, so 52.5k/1k = 53 GaviHas/Utopia. That is: 3,360 in the UK and 47.198k GaviHas in the World. RDL expects that 10% of the GaviHas will be PTv, leaving 90% as privately used, ie 45% as their only private home, and 45% as their 2nd private home. That splits GaviHas totals as follows:
    1. UK:
    2. PTv 336,
    3. only private homes 1,512,
    4. 2nd private homes 1,512, in addition to Ideal Customers' Utopia homes
    5. Worldwide:
    6. PTv 4,719,
    7. only private homes 21,239,
    8. 2nd private homes 21,239, in addition to Ideal Customers' Utopia homes
    9. Total GaviHas 47,198.

    (A joint effort with Project 3, above, will include special GaviSuperSea Hawks, typically sea-going-hulled, double rotored, equipped as residences, carrying up-to-10 persons, and can take off and land vertically, from land or water.)

    Project 6 also includes:
    1. 100 GaviHas houses/Mini-Utopia-Village, with six-to-10 Mini-Utopia-Villages (ie 600-to-1,000 GaviHas for all Mini-Utopia-Villages associated with a Utopia) and
    2. associated with Project 10 and Project 1, special versions of GaviHas are designed as Alpha, Beta or Gamma types, to provide two, four or six person residences on, up-to-2/3rds of the Project 10 farms, located within Utopia's walls, or on nearby land


Project 5: Train 4k Pilot/Air-Traffic-Controllers [PATC] over 21 years, to control up-to-16m Gavin Hawks [GH], with a maximum of 8m GH/day, at any one time, during their flock's takeoffs, flights and landings.

Pilot/air-traffic-controllers for Gavin Hawks

  • Project 4: Design and build 42 (ground-based remote pilot/air-traffic-controller [PATC]) operating centers [PATCO] in ~one-fifth of the countries of the six Continents and islands
  • Gavin Hawks

  • Project 3: Design and build 32 million [m] (ie starting the first two or three years FF fueled, then the rest hydrogen fueled [HF]) Zero-CO2 Gavin Hawks [GH], with electrically driven propellers and rotors driven to fly in the sky, (allowing for replacement ever 10 year) replacing 132m new FF fueled cars (allowing for replacement every five years) for use on the roads the roads of most countries on all six Continents and (occupied) islands, by the end of 2030.
  • To look into RealZeroCO2's Major Projects, to reduce CO2 pollution and attract Ideal Customers to improve their livestyles and wealth, see:

    Project 2:Design and build 50 Mother Hawks,[MH] pilotless aircraft to control pilotless, passenger (or freight only) carrying Gavin Hawks [GH], flying over most countries of all six Continents, in 21 years. (Forward Planning: The estimate of 250 Mother Hawks (costing $3,472 million [m] to cover the entire World 24/7, with a team of three (for each of the 84 regions) with one in the air at all times. That was based on six FF powered aircraft, improving the remaining 244 with hydrogen fuel [HF], doubling the cost, to $6,832m but avoiding CO2 pollution, after the first 6 aircraft, two in the air at all times over the two regions in the UK. Landing and refueling would be required in 15 hours. If nuclear power [NP] were provided instead of HF, refueling could be extended to two months, on average, the team reduced to 1.05/region, with 50 aircraft, 48 in the air. If the cost/MH were tripled from $14m/MH to $42m/MH, but reduced from 244 to 44 additional MH, the cost would be only $2,083m, saving $1,389.)Note: The figure of 50 MH is based on six FF MH (using fossil fuel [FF], as existing Global Hawks do). In this case, three MHs are required for each region (eg two regions are necessary for the United Kingdom, thus six MHs). Plus 1.05 nuclear fuelled Mother Hawks [MHn] MH are required for each additional region, because very little time for refueling and a small time is allowed for maintenience and repair, therefore only an additional 44 MHn are necessary.


    To look into RealZeroCO2's Major Projects, to reduce CO2 pollution and attract Ideal Customers to improve their livestyles and wealth, see Utopia.